Yoahtl v. TheOrangeWizard, Apr 2021
With Aki presiding, on 13th April 2021, Oddish on behalf of the Yoahtlan Government charged TheOrangeWizard with Property Damage, Attempted Theft, and Threats of Obby Bombing. TheOrangeWizard was found guilty of Breaking Reinforcements and Threats of Obby Bombing and sentenced to 14 days pearled (considered time served) and 128 Emerald Blocks in restitution.
The yoahtlan governement would like to sue Orange Wizard for damages to a yoahtlan citizens shopchest and attempted theft
The courts will hear the case of Yoahtl vs TheOrangeWizard on the charges of property damage, attempted theft, and threats of obby bombing.
Aki will be presiding
Thank you High Justice.
I will now hear the opening statement from the prosecution
Thank you
I would like to open by going into further detail about why we are here
The Yoahtl gov is looking to sue Orange Wizard for 2 things:
Damages to a XP store which contained significant supplies of XP. Fully destroying the reinforcements to it gaining access to the contents. This could also be seen as attempted theft of valuable items. It is also worth mentioning here there was apparent consideration to reinforce it to his own groups.
Threats of Obsidian bombing the city of Resimere.
I would like to mention here that the XP was not lost but instead left out in the open available for anyone to take. Goods were recovered this shop has also been the forefront of distaste to orange for a while now and it is reasonable to say this was a deliberate targeted attack with the threats of obby bombing after said events and being caught this also shows a distate to resimere as a whole
The court thanks oddish.
The court now asks for the defense to submit a plea either as guilty or not guilty.
not guilyu
The court recognizing the non-guilty plea. The court will now hear the defense's opening statement.
first i believe the court should acknowledge the potential comedic value of breaking in but not taking anything
the prosecution calls this attempted theft - rather, it was a successful break in where the thief intentionally declined to do any thievery
"doing a little trolling" i think is the vernacular term describing the shop as a "the forefront of distaste" is also somewhat excessive i feel
i have made some hyperbolic comments about loungebob stealing my customers
however my own exchanges have seen hundreds of diamonds in business over the past few weeks, and even if this were a motivating factor it would be quite bizarre for me to retaliate by not doing any appreciable damage
regarding the threats of obby bombing, i would like to contend that this was not a credible threat. i have never done anything of the sort in the past and would not like to damage my already strained pr in the server community generally by doing something so universally regarded as unacceptable
the comment was made in the heat of the moment when i was frustrated at the individuals who supposedly had claims against me refusing to actually speak to me about those claims
it appears to be public knowledge that the resimarians have a sharply negative opinion of myself but i would like to state that this is largely one sided. i do not believe i have done anything that would cause particular harm to them, and have, for instance, assisted in the construction of the GOR out to resimare at some cost to myself
threatening Resimare with obby bombing was of course inappropriate and for that i apologise. However i would like to reiterate my frustration at their personal grudge against me which i think is quite clearly the main contributing factor in this dispute
Thank you for the opening statement Orange.
The court now calls on the prosecution, Oddish, to provide witnesses and evidence
Ok firstly I would like to focus on the shop chest incident.
The defendant has made the claim that this was 'doing a little trolling'
Given the contents of the chest and the time period said chest was the subject of 'distaste' This could be argued as a more of an attack than a simple little trolling.
Yoahtl has had a history of trolling cases in the past that have gone through trials and caused significant legal changes, these were all involving less significant wealth and risking potential loss of said wealth.
Now given that this damage was done as it was 'funny' It may seem a joke to orange but as not all parties involved were in on this joke it isnt classed as trolling here.
Thus this is not a little trolling
i would like to call loungebob to the stands to confirm a few things
The court calls Loungebob
lounge can you confirm to me that this shop was first of all. attacked by orange for this very reason? it was funny
I did not think it was funny. I reported the crime immediately to Mister_Minesalot and Lodish due to the large quantity of emeralds missing from the chest (6 stacks). That was a lot of work to produce when you don’t have bots.
And yes it was orange who broke the chests as I have the snitch logs.
do you have said logs handy?
and you said this was 6 stacks of emerald
Those coords point to here.
is that blocks?
yes. 6 stacks of blocks of emeralds.
it is thank you
now you said this chest was fully broken
were the emeralds in an unprotected chest?
the chest was broken including the 2 diamonds of reinforcements. The chest was then replaced back including the sign to be deceptive.
so unprotected free for anyone to open it and take the goods inside
the emerald blocks were taken actually.
who were they taken by
Wilson5756 but I know this only because he was honest enough to tell me so.
so off the honest heart of aanother player did you retreive the goods from a chest broken into by the defendent
thank you lounge
i would like to call wilson to the stand to confirm this
THe court recognizes Wilson,
ok can you confirm that you found this chest broken and free to open with 6 stacks of emerald inside?
yes i can confirm that. there were also around 70 diamonds on top of the 6 stacks of emerald blocks.
so considerable wealth free to be taken by just anyone
and you took this and msged lounge about this?
that is correct. i took it so that no one else would, and so i could get Loungebob the contents of his shop chest back.
thank you. one last question
would you consider this a joke or funny?
not really. i would hate if i had a bunch of emeralds and diamonds in a shop chest and some asshole came and broke it for people to take.
thank you wilson
i would like to call minealot to the stand
Before calling of the next witness, I would like to ask TheOrangeWizard if he wishes to cross examine the witnesses as they are now or if he would be calling on them later during his testimonies
i would like to ask loungebob if anything was lost beyond the chest reinforcement
or if everything else has been accounted for
The total contents was lost but returned back to me.
thank you that's all
I did give a reward to Wilson of 1 stack so technically I lost that.
The court now recognizes Minesalot as the prosecutions witness
given hat minesalot isnt available I will take this time to add in that
this store has been discussed in the past negatively by the defendant even if this is just making small talk or 'memeing' it is showing a repeated distaste for the shop and person owning it.
Given that this store was also broken into by the same person. It shows malicious intent, 'small trolling' or not this was not seen as a joke but as an attack. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348687557455904778/831699599806169098/unknown.png
I believe the threat came after being pearled for breaking loungebobs chest
this would be an escalation of events that were caused by the very same person
threatening to dump dro on resimere thus threatening not only lounge but the nation itself
for being pearled
because the defendent broke a shop chest
'because it was funny'
I would like to call neotide to the stand to ask him about the significance of dro and greifing
The court recognizes General NeoTide
I think everyone knows this, but one of the pitfalls of our current plugin configuration on classics is the relative vulnerability of large scale griefing by placing reinforced blocks, usually obsidian. It's something people do when they have little to no military advantage because of its fairly quick and certainly devastating potential, with virtually no danger of getting pearled (if executed correctly). We saw its maximum potential when several accounts, headquartered in HJE, skybridged many towns and covered them in obby, suiciding at the first sign of response. Several places, including some of Yoahtlan claims, are still covered in that obby. It's a draining and effective strike on anyone you wish to deter from playing civ.
how damaging could 1 person with an invent of dro be to a city like resimere
To expand on DRO, someone with significant wealth and significant hatred could cover a town to the point where it'd take ~2 months of continuous acid blocking to clean. 1 DRO = 1 day of acid block maturation
so would you say threats like these should be taken seriously?
Weighing the likelihood of the action being taken and the potential for harm, in my opinion yes it should not be taken lightly
and lastly
would you consider this a reasonable responce for being pearled for breaking somones shop chest for a 'light troll'
Am I an expert still or a regular witness
whichever you feel is more versed to respond to my last question
The response given had nothing to do with him being pearled by Yoahtl. I promised orange he would be free in a maximum of 2 weeks, if a sentence wasn't given by Loungebob. Orange made the threat because he was mad lounge wasnt responding and was letting my promised 2 weeks run their course. The circumstances of the pearl were irrelevant to the feelings he has toward Resimere in my opinion. Those feelings being extreme distaste
so you would say they were not related
No, he was fueled by anger toward the individual, not the circumstances
could it not be argued that bombing a nation in responce to an individuals lack of communication is a tad. extreme?
That would be the understatement of the century
thank you
i would like to call loungebob to the stand for a question
The court thanks neo, but Inwill open the floor to Orange for cross
TheOrangeWizard, If you would like to cross the witness, the floor is open
no that's fine
Thank you
Oddish, you are now open to ask Lodish a question Err, Loungebobn
Loungebob, were you aware that orange wastrying to contact you about this shopchest case and/or pearling?
No. I normally ignore global chat in game. I have nothing in discord from him and my discord was listed on the chest he broke so he should have known how to contact me.
so his requests for contact regarding this case were un noticed and thus the obby bomb threat occured.
thank you
Aki, aside from minesalots questioning i believe i am done for now
Thank you
Reminder that while i am opening the floor for orangewizard to present evidence and witnesses, we are still going to hear from mines in the morning. I will adapt the tiral to this
Orange, you are free to call witnesses and evidence
Regarding contacting loungebob, i did not take a note of his username while i was present in the commonwealth and i am unable to enter the bastion fields while exiled to be able to check at a later date. I also asked neotide to ask him to contact me
I would like to call upon Metriximor as a character witness
In my time I've seen orange interact with a wide variety of people, and I want to specifically point out that orange has been nothing but extremely wholesome when dealing with the multiple questions that newfriends usually make, both ingame, on discord, and the subreddit. orange has also given away his macros and scripts freely on the civwiki. I'd like to relate a few personal experiences that I have witnessed:
When Minemaster was put on blast for the whole EM debacle, Orangewizard was there every step of the way from the beginning helping minemaster, not only with legal counsel, ingame expertise and ultimately gave a generous loan with an extremely generous repayment plan(to pay for the bail)
AmandaCC once required armor to build underwater in a more easy way and Orange did not even hesitate to borrow some armor, which was then lost in a very avoidable way. Orange once again provided a very generous repayment plan.
Orange has also been an integral part of the Augustan Federation and has helped sponsor grants provided to newfriend nations, such as Lambat.
These are just a few examples, I could go on all day. Orange is an essential part of MtS and is very well regarded by its citizens, which just makes his actions this day appalling. That said, as has been demonstrated before, orange has substantial economic power and foot traffic on his stores, so I fully believe he did this not out of ill intent, but because a similar incident in MtS would be taken in a very different way(as was seen by his attempt at claiming "a little trolling").
Oddish, Do you have cross questions for Metrix?
metrix why do you think Orange would target Loungebob and then threaten to obby bomb? It is evident at this point that he doesn't associate with him so why attack?
I've read about a few disputes between the involved parties, however I don't consider myself in the know about the topic to be able to give out a proper answer regarding the past and orange's relationship with Loungebob and how it might have affected the situation.
Like I said in my original witness testimony, Orange has demonstrated time and time again ample economic resources so I don't think he would do it out of a motivation for economic gain. I can't imagine the reason that led orange to do what he did, however I believe that he did not fully think about his actions and how they would be interpreted by all the parties involved versus the environment that he has recently spent considerable time in.
Would you agree that not fully thinking about his action does not dismiss the guilty?
A reminder to the court that he threatened to obby bomb only 2 days after being pearled. Not a considerable time to get that angry about miscommunication unless he already was. previously upset with lounge.
I'm not sure how to respond to that, your questions come from the get go with words such as "attack" and "guilty" which, if anything else, have a very negative and certain connotation while we are still in the middle of a trial specifically about this issue.
it is something i am trying to prove using 'guilty ' in meaning or wording would not be out of place
but i can reword
Would you agree that not fully thinking about his actions is reasonable grounds to dismiss him of charges?
I fail to see the fact finding purpose to this question, may the prosecution state the information theyre seeking to attain from this line of questioning?
im trying to see whether oranges character reference would find his actions with their reasoning, reasonable grounds to be considered not guilty or would he say that the actions taken were not justified
i would like to know if metrix considers the reason of 'not thinking about his actions' reasosn to justifiy the crime or not
if this question is still not understood i shall drop it
I believe that Oddish correctly states that "not thinking about his actions" is not a proper defense, I doubt that orange would ever even attempt to claim such a line of reasoning for a defense, my intent when coming here was to demonstrate that my interactions with him have always been positive and that overall I think his contributions have been a net positive for the entirety of the civ genre and that I think that should count for the outcome of this trial.
Regarding the whole situation, I only heard about it after the fact, and therefore I don't believe my input would be very valuable, as I don't have enough knowledge on how orange thinks or how his relationships with all parties involved might be.
Does the prosecution have a witness to present?
i would like to call minesalot to the stand
THe court recognizes Minesalot
Firstly minesalot can you tell me what you know about this shopchests breaking leaving unlocked
So one day Lounge suddenly posted in resi discord that his shopchest in WM was robbed of the 6 XP batches he had made prior
After a little fumbling with snitches and asking Falvyu/Lodish for help checking them we discovered the previously posted logs of Orange breaking the chest
For a little while we didn't see the XP return and we believed Orange took it initially, I forget when Wilson came forward but I recall that it was not immediate even after Orange was pearled
That's the basic summary, I don't think there's much else in regards to the initial series of events
was tthere any communication with orange about this chest breaking?
Not prior to his pearling no
After the fact Neo did converse with Orange about it a few times
do you know what was discussed?
As he mentioned prior Neo stated to him that if we didn't come up with a sentence that he'd only hold him for 2 weeks, but prior to the XP being luckily returned Neo also told him in global that part of his sentence was returning/repaying Lounge's missing 6 stacks of XP
To which this was Orange's response, courtesy of MTS' relay bot
so in this he pretended to have taken the xp?
I don't know if that's the case but the convo clearly shows that he was made aware of the loss of the product and outright said he would not provide the reps
Considering that Orange has "ample economic resources", to quote Metrix, I don't think Orange's issue with compensating the losses for his "joke" has anything to do with the inability to create 6 batches worth of XP
so its reasonable to say that the intention was to pop the chest and leave it open to let it be taken or hope it was going to be lost in some manner
and only by wilson coming forward after some time with the goods he rescued was it recovered
Considering he refused to entertain the idea of paying those reps and that he has demonstrated no remorse for the loss of the XP prior to Wilson, I would claim yes
thank you
and mines would you consider this chest breaking to be a joke or a light troll?
Each emerald block is equivalent to one diamond, that is essentially 6 stacks of diamonds worth in product
Not a light number to have jeopardized
Also the two diamond reinforcements
would you say that given metrix's statement for oranges character, rthat this was within character for orange?
100%, if you're talking about my view
and what would this view be?
My view is that I do in fact think that Orange is malicious and takes humor in harassing Resimerians who have done nothing
would you be able to give some more insight into why you think orange harasses resmerians? other than the recent obby bombing threat?
In this image Orange is shown to even have considered going the extra mile and actually lock Lounge out of his own shop chest valued at 6 stacks of diamonds, although he didn't actually do it
Not out of his good conscious, but because it was simply too much effort
Despite the fact that he spent the time breaking 2 diamond reinforcements
In that time he surely would have also known that it was in fact Loungebob's chest as the sign stating his username was directly on the chest and Orange was very likely close to it in order to break it, so ignorance of the victim's identity is improbable
So it is safe to say that given your view and metrix's Oranges character could be considered neither wholly good nor evil yes?
I would say that yes, based on the people you ask you will get a greatly mixed bag
I would also like to remind the court that Oranges history with Resimere before this has been recorded as mostly not friendly. Previous court cases and arguments have occurred between parties. This is just yet another incident added to the so called pile.
Would the defense like to cross the witness
i would like to comment on minesalot's statement that "ignorance of the victim's identity is improbable"
which i believe is in response to myself stating that i did not take note of loungebob's username
i had assumed it was clear from context that i was referring specifically loungebob's discord user id, which loungebob claimed i should have known
i was not denying knowledge of loungebob's identity as such which minesalot appears to have construed
So you knowingly targeted the shop of a Resimerian
I wasn't talking about his discord ID
It wasn't even in reference to that earlier comment
It was about you harassing Resimerians
I would like to ask the court if alleged past harassment is relevant to the case at hand
considering the charges are for raiding and threats
Witnesses can bring it up in regards ti their interpretations of your actions, no interaction is a blank slate.
in that case i will offer this historic example of minesalot emotionally inferring malice on my part where none was intended, so that his claims today can be understood with a bit more context
Multiple months later we requested via bg if we could build a utility rail under your "water claims" to Yoahtl in a way that would seek to avoid the previous dilemma
You refused
Blocking us from mainland Yoahtl
This is why I did not take your actions then at face value
I also recall you claiming that it was "in the way of infrastructure" yet the rail is still intact to my knowledge
i have in fact demolished and rerouted a significant portion
If that's true then sure
NeoTide was scouting around down there at some point recently, perhaps he can confirm
Regardless, despite claiming Resimere has a "one-sided grudge" you have demonstrated previously things which call that claim into question
the utility rail you mean?
More than that
Like, I don't know, the fact that you still demand an apology for that incident
Sounds like you harbor feelings to me
considering how much you jerked us around during negotiations
i think an apology would be appropriate
That is subjective to your perspective, I can easily say that you jerked us around by forcing a reroute, refusing a redstone bypass, and blocking us from doing other underground international infrastructure
I might also add that this started with Oracle (I believe) ragging on Loungebob for turning on a lever on a rail that he maintained and used because it meant that you couldn't AFK travel to El Caro
But then morphed into infrastructure and claims dilemmas as the argument continued
Which is another reason on top of many that I could share which taints my view of your character into someone I cannot trust, but I believe we are past that question I have not demanded to you or people associated with you an apology yet you have, and yet we both feel "jerked around"
Yet I have a one-sided grudge? I dropped speaking of that drama for multiple, multiple months, but you continuously reference it
Pearl loungebob, apologize, etc.
Also bringing it up in the MTS discord with that same collection of screenshots
sharing the rail was inconvenient for both parties, the offer to build a bypass for you was intended to be mutually beneficial
It is completely believable that you target Resimere for your "humor"
And it is reasonable that we do not see it as "humor"
but we were never given a clear go ahead, you insisted that the existing rail was yours and we should work around it, and also something about not wanting to legitimise our claims
water claims*
i closed it after gdan built his line and did not hear anything from you for quite a while
Which, again, blocked further direct Resimere-Yoahtl infrastructure
at which point you were asking via proxy to build a new rail
from my perspective having your rails under our land had caused a lot of hassle which i did not want to deal with
May I ask a question for the benefit of clarity?
Which came first: The rail or Sanktmost's claims
The rail
This was already discussed during the drama as well
It existed long before
stonewall claims predated the rail
which dr oracle purchased later
Can we see a map proving that the area of Sanktmost the rail goes through was claimed by Stonewall?
it'll be on one of the old claims maps but that seems like a pain to find
i distinctly remember following gdan's line from nyc to resimare and back again
the route was longer than what we were offering yes
but you kept stalling and not giving a clear answer so we never built it
the rail was an absolute nightmare to deal with, our stop was griefed several times by loungebob and bastions were broken by other yoahtlans
Our rail was griefed several times by you
so i do not think it is reasonable to claim that refusing the construction of a new rail was some kind of targeted harassment against resimare when i manifestly would want to avoid further drama in the same vein
bg only mentioned it once so i assumed it was not particularly important
It was literally for mass transportation of war supplies
In the middle of the Infinity War
perhaps if you had the respect to contact us directly about it these details could have been considered
I didn't tell him to contact you for me, I recall us discussing it in DMs and then once we reached that point he did it himself
Besides, I wouldn't tell someone whom I have no trust in about a war related project
It's irrelevant anyways who contacted
This has little to do with anything outside of displaying the very clear relations between Resimere and AU
So I think we have little else to discuss regarding the aforementioned rails in my opinion, unless you have another thing
so i was supposed to trust you not to cause problems but you wouldn't show me the same courtesy?
I didn't expect you to allow it which is why I acted in such a manner in the first rail issue, I knew that you would begin to cause problems
Regardless of subjective opinions on the matter I believe this proves the shared harbored feelings between AU and Resi despite Orange's claim of one-sidedness, yet again there is little to discuss outside of that
It is your character in question Orange, not mine
no i don't think you've proved anything of the sort
Then explain
correct me if i have misunderstood your argument here but are you saying that i am malicious and untrustworthy because i made some shitposts in global chat and didn't want that second rail built?
here is the proposed route bg sent me
You told me my argument about you having spite for Resimere for the rail drama didn't prove anything yet when asked to explain you reference a previous argument in relation to the shop chest
Versus the rail scenario we just ran down
And no, in fact, that is not representative of my arguments
you used the rail drama as an example of how i have been malicious towards resimare, no?
I used it to prove that you display distaste
you think it was unreasonable for me to refuse a new rail considering the information i had available?
Literally the entire point is that you display distaste for Resimere, it has nothing to do with the reasonability of the decision you reached
making reasonable decisions with how i deal with you proves distaste?
I would say that sentence just proves it further but ok
'Reasonability' and 'Distaste' are not mutually exclusive, whether or not I believe your point of view to the fullest extent
do you have any better examples
Of what
my distaste or acts of malice towards resimare
I already listed them prior
You decided to start with the prior rail drama in order to question my character
After I said that the thing about the sign was not about discord IDs but rather about you knowingly harassing Resimerians
i brought up that particular conversation because it demonstrates your unreliability as a witness
So you attacked my character instead of my argument?
So you ignored the argument?
no, i think i've adequately expressed that i think your arguments are incoherent and emotive
So you attacked my character or my argument?
Did you ignore it or not?
Which is it?
can't you work that one out for yourself
You're the one on trial
proceedings do appear to have broken down
I'm not going to be regarding history regarding the rail or precious claims conflicts from now on. The objective in hearing the previous events regarding the defendant from Mines was so I could interpret and see the perspective of mines in regard to this interaction. I have seen it clearly that the resimereians have sore feelings from orange, which has painted their perspective on Orange's statements. The validity of testimony or evidence has no bearings on long done drama or character interaction
that being said
does the defense have further factfinding questions to ask the witness?
Oddish, Do you have any further questions for the witness
Does the prosecution have any further evidence or witnesses?
Does the defense have any witnesses they would like to call or evidence to present
WIlson has also offered to give some character testimony
The court calls on WIlson
So, OrangeWizard pearled one of my nation members a few weeks ago, Dr.Pestilence. It was for crimes committed years ago. When I asked OrangeWizard if he could please release Dr.Pestilence, he did not ask for reparations, he did not demand a minimum sentence. He simply just asked for the guarantee that he would not be raided again. I made that promise, and Dr.Pestilence was released the very next day with absolutely no fuss. I would say that this was a show that OrangeWizard can be both forgiving and cooperative in nature. This was the only problem I have ever had with OrangeWizard, and it was able to be solved very reasonably and peacefully. If you asks me, that shows that he is capable of being very logical and easy to deal with person.
Oddish, do you have cross questions for the witness?
Does the defense have any further witnesses or evidence?
No i think that's everything
Ok, thank you. Following court procedure, we now move to closing statements
Thank you
I would like to take this time to give a brief summery.
The defendant was happy to break into this shop chest and was willing to reinforce it to his own groups effectively taking the goods for himself. The only thing that prevented him from doing this was his own effort to continue with the deed. But the idea was there in his mind. Given the fact this shop has been discussed in the past and his distaste towards it, his willingness to break through a double diamond reinforced chest and then had the idea to reinforce the chest to his own groups but instead left it unlocked available to anyone willing to steal from it. I would reasonably say that the attempt was there to steal/sabotage the shop regardless of monetary accusation or benefit to Orange. Hence my initial charge of attempted theft. Given the chest was left unlocked and left, a theft could have occurred at any time between the chest breaking and Wilson using the shop, It is only by sheer chance that not only a theft did not actually occur but that Wilson was honest enough to report this and return the contents. All of this, is classed by the defendant as a 'light trolling'
As Oranges defense has show he is apparently capable of being kinder and charitable to people but as I have pointed out in his conversation with Neo using WorldPolice This is entirely dependent on who is being spoken to. The treatment the Resmeirans have received from him in the past and as of now have been less than kind. Proving that Orange is capable of being both good to people but also less than kind or even malicious as this case has proven. A character reference in this instance only carries things so far as to show the capacity of kindness, not that he is always.
The threat of obby bombing a city is quite a dangerous threat to make and to receive. If Orange was only upset with an individual why go the lengths to threaten the whole nation. Unless there was already some background between that nation and Orange, in which this would be a reasonable line to draw from targeting a shop and then threatening the nation itself.
With all of this considered and the evidence above, it is easy to see that Orange wizard should be considered guilty of these crimes and actions should be taken to help prevent further interactions between the nation of Resimere and Orange from now on as a minimum.
Thank you oddish
The court calls on TheOrangeWizard and the defense to make a closing statement
the prosecution relies quite heavily on things that did not happen and things i did not do in order to make their case -
i did not take any xp despite having ample opportunity to do so, thus accusations of attempted theft should be dismissed
had i reinforced the chest to a new group this would have been for the purposes of securing the emeralds for loungebob, as again if i were performing a theft i could have just taken them
further the emeralds were recovered and accounted for, at most i feel this would count as negligence on my part - it would be bizarre to be held accountable for the loss of something that is not lost.
The threat of obby bombing i think has been demonstrated as not credible - the prosecution after all has made no attempt to argue that it was.
The argument that i should be held guilty because of alleged ill will towards Resimare is once again bizarre. I maintain that i harbour no malice towards Loungebob or Minesalot - and even if i did, this is not a crime, nor is it what i am charged with, nor does it change that the material damages suffered by Loungebob are quite minimal, and vastly exceeded by my own losses from being unable to meaningfully play for the past two weeks.
If Resimare takes issue with things i have said about them in game or in discord then i would encourage them to bring this to me directly and propose a way forward instead of dragging the rest of Yoahtl into a proxy trial.
Thank you Orange
To start, I want to say that I find Orange guilty of breaking the reenforcement to the shop chest owned by Loungebob and threats to obbybomb Resimere. However, I don't find the obbybombing threat to be so credible as to warrant punishment pursuant to the "Resolution to Condemn the Obsidian Bombing of Cities."
First, as to the shop chest. There was no contest in this case that Orange broke the chest owned by loungebob. However, I don't find this to be in line with attempted theft. I would be more inclined if Orange was chased out before he was able to steal the eblocks, which isn't what happened. He also did not intend on their destruction, as they stayed in the chest where they wouldn't despawn. I also find that this was a deliberate attack on the I find this to be a case of griefing more than anything, and thus I am issuing punishment for this.
Second, the threat of obbybombing. I have since the beginning looked for a sign that the threat to obbybomb resimere was credible and was beyond a reasonable doubt going to happen. If this standard were met, Yoahtl as a nation would have to adhere to the Resolution to Condemn the Obsidian Bombing of Cities, and condemn Orange. However, Orange has never done such a thing in the past and nothing beyond a single message in the DM's was shown as planning. I think for anyone to be punished pursuant to the resolution there needs to be proof that there were plans being done to obbybomb someone.
So, basically, for the breaking of the shopchest, I sentence Orange to chill in a pearl for 2 weeks. For the threats for obbybombing, the court considers this harassment, and due to both parties not being in on it, it's not considered "doing a little trolling." Due to the apologies, however, I only order Orange to pay reps to the resimerians to the order of 2 stacks of eblocks. Due to time served already for this trial, the 2 week sentence for the chest breaking is considered complete.
Should Resimere be obbybombed by orange, let the future judge know that this case ought serve as evidence that said obbybombing was premeditated, and thus the resolution should be enacted and Orange be condemned.