Yoahtl v. Okx, Nov 2021
With Yergo presiding, on 3rd November 2021, Aki charged Okx with the Leaking of Snitches. Okx was convicted of Dereliction of Duty and sentenced to 1 year Prison Pearl with chance for Exile Pearl probation after 6 months.
On behalf of the yoahtlan government, I would like to sue Okx for the illegal release of yoahtlan snitches
The court will hear the case of The Yoahtlan Military ( Aki ) vs Okx for the charging of releasing Yoahtlan Snitches with Yergo Presiding.
Thank you Spacevolcano. It is my wishes in this case that we have a smooth, speedy and just trial. I will be calling on Aki to provide an opening statement.
Thank you your honor. On behalf of the Yoahtlan military, I wish to sue Okx for espionage and the release of private government and military snitches from the UDF Logbox to the general server public.
If the defendant wishes to participate in this trial, I would ask that he be allowed to do so. He may also name a legal representative if need be. I will call on the defense to issue a plea in response to your statement, either in guilt or non-guilt when the defense is available to speak in the trial.
Note: Okx was given 48hrs to respond on the Yoahtl Reddit. He had requested the trial be held on the reddit but only responded when given a sentence.
As Okx has not submitted a plea, I will be proceeding with the trial in absentia of him.
I would like to call upon Aki to provide any evidence regarding the issue and call any witnesses he would like to bring to the stand.
My apologies, your honor. My vacation had prevented me from posting in the trial chat. The evidence I want to submit is contained within this post and the files attached:
Listed within is the download from the UDF snitchlog channel, showing the location of every Yoahtlan snitch in our territory, especially the vault, and from all 3 Yoahtlan snitch groups. This was downloaded by Okx on October 1st, showing a premeditated intent to release it prior to secession.
As for witnesses, i call on NeoTide as the general to testify.
So every snitch group being reported to Logbox (UDF snitch bot) was leaked to the public. This is a particularly devastating breach of peace due to the overwhelming strategic value presented by locating every snitch reported to Logbox. We've already been DRO bombed by someone deliberately evading Boomer ice road snitches and there's literally no telling what else has been done. Strategic points of interest all over the map, some not previously known to the general public, have been released as well. Our ability to police our borders and those of our allies have been compromised to a degree which I can't begin to fathom the theoretical damages.
Yergo, At this time, all evidence needed has been submitted by the prosecution
Thank you Aki and NeoTide. As this case is being held in absentia, we will skip to the closing statement with no testimony from the defense and no cross examination. Please present your closing statement.
Thank you, your honor.
As this case clearly shows, Okx deliberately downloaded classified snitch information, including the exact location of every snitch in Yoahtl attached to the logbox system, and released it to the general public. This was done to harm Yoahtlan security, and the consequences of such an action have already been felt, as general Neotide showed that minemaster explicitly griefed areas of the ice road lacking snitch coverage. The effects of such an action are severe, long lasting, and damaging to the Yoahtlan national security apparatus. The release of this information is not matched or preceded by any other events between Yoahtl and Okx, as the logbox information was downloaded weeks before Okx's pearling for a separate crime, meaning that this data was downloaded for use against Yoahtl at one point or another. I believe that such acts of espionage, compromising of national security, and exploitation of previous trust placed in him by Yoahtl is worthy of severe punishment.
Thank you.
The court has come to a decision, which is presumed to be just and fair. Yoahtl, being a state which upholds common law, will not overlook something so egregious as breaching the trust of not only her own citizens, but the trust of her allies. The UDF snitch network is something which has been built up and developed over several years. The total cost of these snitches being publicized cannot truly be quantified concretely. This being said, Okx shall first be punished under the crime of dereliction of duty. This crime has had precedent drawn under Yoahtlan Government v. NeoTide. NeoTide in this case was sentenced to three days of prison-pearl and twenty-seven days of exile pearl for the simple crime of releasing a pearl. Okx's crime being far more damaging to Yoahtl and her allies, will total one year of prison pearl. This sentence will allow for probation to exile pearl upon six months of the sentence served, presuming good behavior. This probation will be subject to a vote by the Yoahtlan council. While some may see this as a rather short sentence, and others may see it as very long, it is the court's hope that this may come close to possibly bringing to justice the erasure of years of work on the behalf of Yoahtl, her citizens, and her allies, and prevent any further crimes against these people. In addition, if any UDF nations wish to extradite Okx, they must promise that they will give Okx a fair and just trial, and the extradition will be subject to approval via a vote of the Yoahtlan council. The court now rests this case.