Yoahtl v. iOminous, Jan 2018
Judge: Mightyoddish
Date: 29th January 2018
Disorderly conduct.
Not guilty.
Modshot claims iOminous threw an invisibility potion at American_Grandma and himself. He then informed iOminous that it was illegal to be invisible. iOminous proceeds to throw invisibility potions on people and adk people if they want to be invisible.
iOminous claims Modshot has a grudge against him. He then claims there’s no clarity around Yoahtlan laws. Furthermore he claims the invisibility potions were gifts.
Modshot states iOminous being a potion merchant is no excuse for violating law and that throwing potions on people does not constitute giving them a gift.
Sparkelly confirmed iOminous threw an invisibility potion at him after being prompted whether he wanted to be invisible.
Oddish clarifies that being invisible without declaration is illegal within Yoahtl and that is the law iOminous is accused of breaking.
Modshot says iOminous is framing people with his actions.
American_Grandma testifies she didn’t ask to be invisible an iOminous threw potions at her and others.
(Proceedings then derail onto a tangent about how difficult it is to find Yoahtlan laws codified)
TheOrangeWizard takes over the prosecution from Modshot, supplying the following summary:
- Disorderly conduct for throwing invisibility splash potions on other parties
- You were made aware that being invisible without announcing it was unacceptable
- You continued to throw invisibility potions
- In the opinion of the prosecution, this is a deliberate attempt to flaunt the law. You were aware of the nature of invisibility and chose to push the boundaries anyway.
iOminous states it is the responsibility of Government to codify and ensure people are aware of the laws and continues to deny any wrong doing.
iOminous is found guilty of disorderly conduct and the misuse of invisibility potions without declaration and consent of other parties. He is sentenced to community service: digging the vault hole for 3 hours.
Appeals Outcome
iOminous appeals to Alcuahtl bgbba, who uphold's Mightyoddish's judgement.