Yoahtl v. 1machinemaker1, Nov 2017
Judge: Klasikrok
Date: 5th November 2017
Disorderly conduct
Not guilty by reason of meming not being a crime
Not guilty by reason of fulfilling a task contracted by the owner of the property
Not guilty by reason of not having been issued orders by a public official
1machinemaker1 denies all charges
Fran submits evidence but declines to directly testify
Klasikrok attempts to drop the charge of insubordination
TheOrangeWizard objects, claims that he did ask 1machinemaker1 to stop activity on the water drop to Fran's storage
Prosecution presents the following screenshot as evidence of 1machinemaker1's grief of Fran's storage: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348687557455904778/377611331592912906/2017-11-05_03.57.01.png
1machinemaker1 claims this was before it was finished, therefore not evidence of permanent grief
Prosecution asks 1machinemaker1 to explain this screenshot: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348687557455904778/377613246833885185/2017-11-06_17.04.12.png
1machinemaker1 claims this was a temporary drop used during construction and to prevent deaths via falling into unfinished drops
Prosecution asks 1machinemaker1 to explain this screenshot: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348687557455904778/377613246833885185/2017-11-06_17.04.12.png
1machinemaker1 claims he didn't place this particular structure
Prosecution presents the following screenshot: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348687557455904778/377619319619846145/2017-11-05_22.51.15.png
1machinemaker1 denies culpability again
1machinemaker1 is found guilty of grief, admits to having been asked to stop by Fran (implicating him in charges of disorderly conduct for refusal to follow Fran's instructions)
1machinemaker1 attempts to appeal
Charges of grief dropped
1machinemaker1 found guilty of insubordination
appeal denied by TheOrangeWizard
Not guilty
Not guilty