Yoahtl v. 14uu, Oct 2017
Judge: Klasikrok
Date: 20th October 2017
- Construction of an illegal hazardous structure leading to inescapable harm (aka a 'deathtrap')
- Two counts of murder via a deathtrap (DevFTW and Crustifer)
Not guilty on reason of other people's meddling with the grinder creating the hazardous situation, not 14uu himself.
Not guilty on reason of DevFTW and Crustifer being the ones who interfered with the grinder.
14uu alleges that DevFTW and Crustifer created the deathtrap by meddling with the spider grinder (which was surrounded by SRO so anybody who fell in would drown) and that he is not guilty of negligent behavior with the construction of the apparatus since they were the ones who interfered. He also claims that his grinder is private.
TheOrangeWizard says that 'if the public can access it without placing or breaking blocks, you cannot forbid them from entering the area'
'it needed breaking blocks until dev griefed so he fell on his own deathtrap both would have the itens gotten to a chest thru a hopper but as dev grief my skele grinder i unassembked it and a gain if he fell on it it would be his own deathtrap' -14uu (14 implicitly admits that DevFTW and Crustifer's lost items were indeed lost and by his interference by removing the hopper and chest, but that it was their own fault).
Feathercrown is brought in and denies TheOrangeWizard's definition of 14uu's grinder as public, stating that 'Orange thats not right. Unless the grinder was public before.'
14uu says that the skeleton grinder in question was made before the council passed laws regarding spawners as public property and that both of 14uu's grinders were private both before and after the decision. (The decision in question is Council 5.4 Unimproved spawners are considered public property and breaking them without government approval is considered a crime. Note that the language 'spawner' is referring to the specific block found in a pre-generated dungeon that spawns hostile mobs. However, there is some ambiguity about constructing grinders around them being under the jurisdiction of the government via the Extinction Rule and so the government is allowed to set conditions on people claiming spawners as their private property. 14uu is saying that he was given an allowance under the Extinction Rule to run his grinder as private regardless of who could access it.)
TheOrangeWizard states that a private grinder is fine, but if it kills players then the owner is responsible for losses and damages
14uu says it's not negligence on his part if people break into his grinder and then die because they broke into it of their own volition
WackyAki interjects and demands screenshots of the grinder and a list of what DevFTW and Crustifer are claiming as losses
bgbba specifies that DevFTW lost a Prot IV chestplate, while Crustifer's losses are unspecified at the moment
Aki says the chestplate should be valued at 40 diamonds
TheOrangeWizard testifies that on personal examination he believes that 14uu built a grinder that was fundamentally unsafe and provides screenshots here: The grinder, the death hole itself
Orange testifies that DevFTW could have just walked in
14uu alleges again that DevFTW griefed the grinder, causing his own death
WackyAki says that it appears DevFTW caused his own death
Charge of 14uu constructing the deathtrap is dropped
WackyAki alleges that 14uu is not at fault for DevFTW's death
bgbba alleges the grinder was indeed public and owes DevFTW's reps for having a poorly constructed grinder
WackyAki says that it's the city's job to ensure good maintenance of things by pressuring citizens
bgbba says that the government tried and that 14uu refused
Ensuing discussion goes nowhere
14uu is offered a compromise "14, I propose a compromise: Since Dev griefed the grinder to start with, it's his own fault for falling in and dying. However, you have failed to adequately improve the grinder. Would you remove the IRO and allow Dev to make the grinder fully functional and not dangerous, but you can keep owning it?" -bgbba
14uu claims it's not fair
14uu takes the compromise
14uu gives DevFTW access to improve the grinder, but retains ownership.