Wee786Harry v. Wingzero54, Jun 2018
With meat312 presiding, on 7th June 2018, Wee786Harry charged Wingzero54 with Assault. Wingzero54 was found guilty of Assault and ordered to pay 1 iron in restitution.
I am available. Wee786Harry Please begin with your opening statements
I am suing Wingzero54 as I was minding my business and wingzero (a judge who punished me for hitting others previously) hit me with his god sword and took me to half a hearts.
Wingzero54 Opening statements
Wee Harry was making threatening statements to Orin and I felt it necessary to strike him
Evidence of this? or perhaps Orinnari whitnessed?
I also felt Harry deserved a taste of his own medicine, considering he has been running around smacking people
I did not make one threatining statement to orin - I Would like to see proof (as there is none i would also see a punisment for someone lying) - My punishment was already served so why does he consder giving another one personally out? Taking justice into his hands is not right.
Orinna stood there however i did not say nor do nothing to him
As i passed him
Wingzero54 Do you have any evidence?
As the threats were made in voice chat I have no record of them
Were there any whitnesses
I don't wish to delay this further, Orin made a brief statement earlier:
So as you can see, I was standing there. Harry was being weird and getting all up in my personal space, it was kinda weird and I was wondering whether he was hitting on me. Then he got all hot and bothered, as you can see, then Wingzero54 started blaming me for it. I mean, I know I'm attractive and all... but really?
Forgive me, I completely forgot. Here is the raw footage ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/rp8u2hpwlpa8d7x/2018-06-06 20-31-43.mp4?dl=0 ) but there's only the ingame audio and so is missing the context of the voice call
Because there was no in game context of the voice call relating to what happened...What happened was wingzero damage my armor and hit me for no reason... Thats the FACT
After reviewing the evidence I find that Wee786Harry probably did make verbal threats of some nature to Orinnari.
However without the nature of these threats or complete context the court must side on the precautionary side, in that his freedom to speak shal be protected. However I caution Wee786Harry that should he attempt to commit physical abuse of a fellow citizen again, he will be punished.
Orinnari, Although he may have threatened you, there are options available to you which do not require the force of govt. /ignore or mute him and if he continues, this court will see that as harassment.
Wingzero54, the authorization of force is held within the power of govt. As deputy Alcuahtl I am sure I do not need to inform you of the responsibilities that position confers. However, your actions were not thought through, and careless. Less violent means of action were available to you.
For beating a resident without just cause, I fine you 1 iron in reparations to the plaintiff.
Good day.