WackyAki v. Meat312, Dec 2017
Judge: Klasikrok
Date: 2nd December 2017
Meat312 with corruption and bribery
Not guilty
Aki proceeds to give a long ass speech about how political corruption and bribery for votes corrupts the nation.
meat counters and declares that there is no law against vote buying.
Aki continues to say that vote buying corrupts things.
Meat found not guilty for lack of laws against bribery. Aki appeals the decision with petition support from Feathercrown and Amerikkalainen
Appeal Outcome
Alright, so I've reviewed the evidence. WackyAki, I believe that you have gone far enough in this matter. Any further harassment of meat on this issue will be considered actual harassment. However, there is a core issue here which is whether vote-buying is a legitimate expression. I believe that it is not.
Councillors should stand by the merits of their ideas, not the contents of their purse. The purpose of the council is to represent the will of the population of Yoahtl in the form of the ideas held by those they elect to represent them. Allowing councillors to buy their way onto the council totally subverts this. In short, councillors who get onto the council via vote buying are violating the purpose of the chamber. meat has a right to do what he wishes, but if he wishes to enter into an institution that institution may set standards of behavior to which he must ascede.
Buying people's votes is not a legitimate form of political campaigning or of expression. I will leave the council to decide what precisely counts as "buying" a vote.