VilyanZ v. Ezwin, Feb 2024
With Yergo presiding, on 10th of February 2024, VilyanZ charged Ezwin with greifing. Ezwin pleased gulty to griefing, but was ultimately settled out of court. Ezwin paid 40 diamonds in total for damages.
I want to sue@ezwin46578
for greifing.
Huhw Wdym Hat did I do What
acknowledged, will sort out the full details in a bit
Wait what Wha Bruh Bro He didnt even tell why He wants to sue me I mean what did I grief If I did even I can pay If you talk about the soup I have dropped to ahme It was an Giveway
we have to wait until the high justice like does some stuff
im scared... but tell me what did i gried? grief
when the court case starts
bruh lemme guess i cant guess Ok if you talk about the break in in art shop im sorry I wanted to buy pissdog Also where can I see rules ?
The court will hear the case of Vilyanz VS Ezwin46578 for greifing.
will be presidingAll parties please familiarize or refresh yourselves on the court procedure. Everyone involved please look over this to familiarize yourself with the procedure of the court.
Also note any extraneous comments in this channel not related to the trial or anyone not called by the courts to present testimony will be deleted from this point until the end of trial. Please hold any other cases till the end as well. I SHOULDNT HAVE TO PUT THIS BUT ANYONE PARTICPATING IN THE TRIAL PLEASE WAIT TO SPEAK UNTIL CALLED UPON BY YOUR JUDGE AND LET THEM KNOW WHEN YOU HAVE FINISHED YOUR STATEMENTS.
Oh f I am guity Guilty I didnt know where to find or read rules I am ready to pay the reparations in next week Is that ok I am guilty in breking chests I won't do that again But I pay reparations
You are able to talk to Vilyanz and attempt to resolve this out of court. If Vilyanz does not wish to then the trial goes ahead inline with the Code of Court Procedure
I hope he agrees
do you want to solve this out of court?
its resloved with him paying me 40 diamonds for killing my panda
o7 trial closed