TheOrangeWizard v. ShinigamiFTW, Dec 2017
Judge: WackyAki
Date: 2nd December 2017
ShinigamiFTW with breaking and entering.
Not guilty by reason of necessity.
Orange alleges that ShinigamiFTW broke into the Xp room by breaking the blocks next to the doors.
ShinigamiFTW alleges that he had been let in by Modshot who then went AFK and he needed to escape.
ShinigamiFTW apologizes.
Aki asks Orange what he would have done in Shini's shoes.
Orange says he doesn't know.
Shinigami, you didn’t deny the fact that you broke the wall, and orange you didn’t unfairly blame him. In interest in setting precedent, I’ll ask shinigami or, due to the fact that they offered for another citizen, to repair damage not overtly compromising the security of yoahtl, devFTW to pay back the damages in reenforcement costs: 2 stone blocks. I also ask that, in interest of setting precident, that this stone not come from a government chest. Finally, I have come to this conclusion due to the fact that damages were done and neither party are irresponsible in their claims. Finally, this is not a reparation eased by previous contributons nor is it worsened because of the short history of belief shinigami is with an enemy force