TheOrangeWizard v. Quauhtli'n'Mia, Apr 2018
With BustaNuht presiding, TheOrangeWizard charged Quauhtli'n'Mia with Facilitating Unauthorised Access. Quauhtli'n'Mia was found guilty but not sentenced.
Quauhtli'n'Mia, I am charging you with unlawfully granting access to the city to LordEmberscar and Modestx, in violation of the executive decision that access for individuals not on Huechat must be approved by a government member
I can account for ember, but I dont know modest O-o
He was allowed in at the same time as Emberscar
Also, when I let ember I let it fairly known in huechat
No he wasnt lol
when ember arrived only he was here
ModestX is a newfriend i was talking to them earlier today when they started hitting snitches
I know he's a newfriend, that's why LordEmberscar came here in the first place, to show Modestx in
thats not what he told me, or what I remember
me and him were pming eachother about how lex died and how he insided them; and then I asked him if he could join us and he started on his way
When he got here it was only him.
You were outside with someone when he was here too
you were clearing grass or something outside the walls
he was in your face
Please choose a judge for the trial
BustaNuht ?
would you be my judge?
it would be an honor
the plaintiff starts with their opening statement
Quau invited and let LordEmberscar into NYC without government approval, violating the directive that approval must be given to anyone not on huechat. I'll drop the charge regarding Modestx seeing as I'm not sure on the details.
I believe this is a serious offence that undermines the security of the city and should be punished with fines and/or end time.
Well I did what I did obviously; and i dont quiite rmember this law but im going to assume its a law because you said so and because i have terrible memory
HOWEEVAARR Not only were you among other councillors present during the coming of ember
I also announced his coming in the discord here In which; bg said he was fine; and I think you did too
now it'd be pretty understandeable sueing me like, yesterday for it
but now i b scratchin my noggy cuz its like a full day l8r
I attempted to do so but you weren't here and other people had other trials
but the other several points stand
It was either general or citizenry
lemme check
Oh SPIDER did it for me
he pinged government
and you came on
Oh woops bg said yes but your "no' still stood
is it still a No?
Cus ember DID help inside laconia/Lex
Regardless you were present during the whole time ember came in
we were even in Local chat
At any givin moment you couldve hollar'd out and told me to stop and him to leave
ofcourse that didnt quite happen.
Now I can agree; a law's a law.
I kind of remember when you guys announced now
back when what's his name came into town and tried to assasiante bg i think?
ye yee I remember
Welp thats my only defense 😛
TheOrangeWizard do you have anything to say in response?
Modestx is a newfriend that Emberscar brought along, I'm ignoring him for the purposes of this case
Quau's decision to invite Emberscar without permission, and then neglecting to tell anyone, in my opinion constitutes a violation of the law.
I low-key told everyone my dood
In huechat and in general
Again; you were in huechat AND active the moment he came and the moment I told people I wanted to bring ember over
you were cutting a bunch of grass outside of the walls and ember walked by you
I was completely unaware of this until he showed up at the gate
Not my fault you dont pay attention my dude
The ping for the whole gove made by string in general happened BEFORE that too
so you HAD to have known it happening
or atleast; in the back of your head?
Why didnt you just outright tell him to leave or atleast tell me to tell him to leave
when all of this was going on?
Cuz wing was around and active during this too
I explicitly said no
Bg said he was fine; but he said it was your final word
and I wasnt sure what your final word was; so I assumed you'd tell me or him to leave 😕
which didnt happen
BustaNuht, This is going around in circles, please make a judgement
In my view Quau has been extremely negligent towards the law
so according to these chat logs you offered ember an apartment almost immediately after greeting him/her into the city, and you asked us retroactively if it was okay. Because you did ask the government for approval, I will not place sanctions on you. However this case shall set precedent that any newcomers must receive government approval PRIOR to receiving residence and any citizens who give newcomers an apartment without prior govt approval will be sanctioned.
For the purpose of setting precedent, what action will the court take should this occur again?
90 minutes of manual labor
I only just saw this now, but for prosperity: My ping to the government was after Quauh had logged off and shown emberscar around, not before. Ember had asked for the coords to bring some newfriend to Yoahtl. I didn't give them, but he somehow got here anyway. Sometime between him asking and showing up was when I pinged gov't.
Also what may or may not be worth noting, ember managed to get on huechat and claims Orange added him. idk if that's true or not.
April 10th, CST Quauh is online and invites ember, later on in the log ember leaves saying he "may return but probably not"
April 11th, CST, Quauh is offline and ember asks me for coords, where I refuse.
Same day, ember and modest show up at gate
ember said orange added him?
See if I knew these things I wouldve just payed the fine 😕
Yes, he claimed orange "let him in", which I took to mean orange added him to hue as I saw him opening the southern gate on his own
I may have misinterpreted that.
Yes, I let him in after consulting with the council and defense team
This was after Spider's ping