TheOrangeWizard v. ArowShot, Jan 2018
Judge: Mightyoddish
Date: 29th January 2018
Dereliction of ArowShot's house.
My house is the last mark I've left on Yoahtl in CivClassic, in a town I helped found, in the forest I helped clear on the first day with Leib, and after being with Yoahtl for several years and serving Yoahtl as a councillor for 4 months, I don't want my last mark to be erased. I understand the need for space which is why I would be okay with renting the house out (without cost) to trusted newfriends or oldfriends, and I understand that it while it is unfinished it may not look the best so I am also willing to finish it in a timely manner.
Arow, you have contributed a lot to Yoahtl during your time here and we all greatly appreciate it. However, NYC is a living city that changes with its population. Many houses that have been built in the past and have since been replaced as their owners move away and new people join the community. The exception is your house, which has been granted a de facto exemption from dereliction. The prosecution sees no reason why this should continue, when the houses of Leib and many other old Yoahtlans have been given no such special treatment.
Some back and forth in which Orange disputes the fact that because you contributed historically you're immune from dereliction
So, how I see this is the usual time we wait for dereliction to be considered is 2 months, you have had much longer to find someone to fit into your house, but only now when your house is in danger you choose to announce this and speak up. The space is needed greatly and people have long called for it to go or for a plot to live in. I do see your point about being a long time contributor however you've been long enough inactive and have taken no action to save it before now, besides the resident you may strike a deal with may want to change the house.. it's best to start over. @ArowShot the forever oof im afraid these isnt a good enough jsutification to see why to keep your inactive house...