TheOrangeWizard (and Amerikkalanein) v. AltRaid, Jan 2018
Judge: Dr Oracle
Date: 20th January 2018
The following details are copied verbatim from Dr Oracle's judgement-summary. Initially AltRaid selected Amerikkalanein to preside however due to the conflict of interest Oracle took over the case.
AltRaid (Asuna) for the unlawful murder/pearling of two citizens, Councillor TheOrangeWizard and Councillor Amerikkalanein.
Asuna maintains he is not guilty. He admits to his actions freely but does not accept a crime has been committed (and that this trial is essentially a farce).
Facts of the Case
Asuna has for a number of days pretended to be a raider/troll on the account Exalted_Demon, persistent enough to warrant perusal within Yoahtlan borders
Asuna killed and pearled Orange and Amerikka
Asuna released them immediately
No material losses were suffered
Asuna’s defence for this action is the claim that is was a ‘raid drill’
This ‘raid drill’ had no notification to the populace or Yoahtl leadership
Laws and Precedents
Government of Yoahtl v. Link2006; No matter the charges, unless you are being directly attacked or the town is being griefed, or it is a hostile foreigner, no player other than councillors or the alcuahtl or any person occupying a position of authority to pearl legally authorized by the council and alcuahtl may pearl people.
Sir Crowley committed a nearly identical act in a more severe manner and was not charged (effectively being pardoned by bgbba). This case is not about whether Asuna committed murder resulting in pearling – by his own admission he killed the aforementioned councillors. What is in question is whether murder resulting in no loss is acceptable as a raid drill. Precedent very clearly states that Asuna cannot pearl people without appropriate and explicit consent, this however conflicts with the informal pardon of Sir Crowley. It is my view that this scenario should have been explicitly clarified after the Crowley incident. That said: Official precedent from worked court cases MUST take priority over a casual decision to pardon by the Alcuahtl.
I am instructing a LENIENT sentence for the following reasons:
Post-Crowley clarity has not been provided on the subject of raid drills
Asuna has been a contributing member of Yoahtl, most notably in pearling Fran
No material losses occurred
There appears to have been no malicious intentions
Defensive weaknesses have been highlighted from the event
I am instructing there MUST be a sentence because:
Two Yoahtl citizens were pearled without permission
A significant amount of time was wasted in the persual of Exalted_Demon
Asuna appears to have expressed relatively little remorse for the hassle he has caused
I therefore find Asuna guilty of murdering two citizens/councillors of Yoahtl without permission. I sentence him to 1 hour of trench digging (or similar).