Oddish (and GDAN) v. 5point0, Apr 2018
On 11th April 2018, Oddish and GDAN charged 5point0 with Unauthorised Construction, Insubordination, and Disregard for Limited Space. 5point0 was ordered to demolish multiple structures.
Myself and GDAN12 would like to charge 5 with unauthorised construction upon Yoahtlan lands as per Council decisions 5.1 and 5.2; Insubordination as per Government of Yoahtl Vs. 1machinemaker1 Nov 2017 and disregard for land usage upon NYC island.
I would also ask that the government take into account the Extinction Rule defined as per TheOrangeWizard Vs. 14uu 20th August 2017 and that repeat offenses of the same category would be punished more severely as per Crustifer Vs. SpicyBoy 14th October 2017.
5point0 choose a judge
I would like to state the fact 5 is refusing to pick a judge at this point
and is refusing the tril altogether now
Is 5 actively refusing?
He just came into VC argued with Oddish and then refused to take this to trial
There is no precedent for thar
Which means it defaults to a bench trial
So all the councillors hear the case
And we collectively choose how to procede
I begin by reminding us of 5's sizeable plot within the walls of NYC itself, in fact it is regarded by many as a private "citadel" I understand that this is a third of what 5 originally wanted and recognise that he was granted permission for his citadel. However, in a time when we are growing short on land on NYC island I believe that this citadel should suffice ones need for land upon the island.
However recently this -
-has appeared unauthorised by the Gov upon the island in the North East. Taking up a sizeable amount of room and overhanging the edge of the cliff:
I believe that this alone demonstrates a disregard for the authority of the government and the need to conserve space upon the island, however this is only the most recent of 5's unauthorised builds.
One of 5's first unauthorised builds was the second of the two artificial islands to the South of NYC island. I have the word of Bg that after this he was spoken to and agreed not to build unauthorised again.
However, we then come to another 2 Unauthorised builds upon NYC island:
The tree farm:
Part of which is public and part of which is private.
And secondly the nature reserve – which although beautiful – is still unauthorised:
The flowers aren’t him
Furthermore, as well as the unauthorised construction upon NYC we also have a sprawling mass of builds – some more beautiful than others- covering half of the extreme hills biome.
This is the homestead of GreenWood. This is yet another unauthorised build of 5's which disregards the fact that builds outside of NYC have to be approved by the government before construction is begun. Although beautiful this sprawling homestead now occupies a lot of land:
That was Cinzar I believe
i was with him when he did it
In conclusion I would like to ask that the government enforce some form of punishment whether in the form of a fine or manual labour upon 5 as this has not happened once but repeated times and he has been spoken to about this before. In fact I believe that in part he continues to build without permission as when he is spoken to there is no formal punishment followed on.
I would also like to ask that the Gov set out a more severe punishment as a threat to 5 incase he decides to build unauthorised again. And request that 5 be made to disclose the whereabouts of any unknown constuctions.
also please note that the homestead was apparently (sourced by 5 himself) not in yoahtlan claim at the time
Who are the other parties in this lawsuit
which ive been informed isnt allowed either
i know the flowers were him as I told him to seek permmision to make the garden before making it but it would be cool
he didnt ask
Which homestead
That's bullshit, it was on our claim
so then hes still broekn laws
and is now trying to alter evidence
well lie really
He said when he came into VC just now that it wasn't within our claims when he begun construction, this would be against the law anyway as the gov is required to protect citizens and cannot do this if they live outside of our claims without prior knowledge
he also came in to talk about the sandstone wall saying he built that, only yesterday did he say only some of it was his
whether this is him claiming only a portion of wall is his claim or build is unknown, personaly I would see this as partly claim. however this was built without any form of notification. as was the now overhanging stone brick and dirt block in the north east by the rest of his summer house
And 5 is refusing to come to trial
GDAN, do you have anything else to say?
He was refusing in VC just now yes, and in-game said he was not going to choose a judge
I believe if he can be convinced to come to trial it would be the best for all parties involved
So do you [Klasikrok] wish to speak to his defense?
I do
I'll represent 5
How do you respond to Oddish claims?
<recites all the evidence previously stated>
Ok, let's start off with the personal citadel,
That's been established a long time along, damn near the beginning of NYC
that isnt illegaly built
its size is questionable but nothing can be done now
even though he has said he would mve it IF we gave him bastions and dug a trench for him
What is the purpose of including 5point0's legally created NYC house in your charges?
That's what I'm wondering
We wanted to remind the judge and defendant that 5 already had sizeable claims on the NYC island and to demonstrate that this should've been enough land usage without having to illegitimately build unauthorised builds on the island
Since this evidence is neither indicative of wrongdoing nor directly relevant to the charges against him, I am removing it from the process of decisionmaking on this case
Thank you
It's unfair to consider the existence of other property legally obtained and created when judging land use
We aren't here to judge how effective he is at using the land he owns
Can the artificial islands also be thrown out?
Being inefficient isn't a crime tbh
The islands... As evidence of wrongdoing yes, but they were created without permission so it's relevant to the case GDAN and Oddish are trying to prove
So it's still relevant to include it, but it won't contribute to any punishment since we approved the islands retro-actively
This leaves just his other homesteads
Thank you
my point is more about him building without permmision to begin with
there is also the possibility of builds that are still not known of
Surely, you didn't get a trial started and not know everything to consider?
You took these pics, right?
I'd just hate to have to come back and hear, oh by the way, we forgot this and that
We did because in the past some of 5's builds have not been known of until someone stumbled upon them, therefore we cannot know if we got all of his constructions outside of the city.
Yes i took all of these pictures yesterday
We have included evidence of everything we know of and wish to include any builds not known about as these would also be illegal due to them being unknown about
we would like to ask that any builds that are not currently known off in this case to be disclosed now so save further problems
My client is claiming that you [bgbba] allowed him land to which to build this homestead.
The council is acting as judge collectively
he started to build the homestead without asking me
Does he actually have proof of me saying I was allowing it?
Or did I just acknowledge it existed
There's no physical evidence of this, just that it was mentioned and not under any specific context of which you asked.
The homestead is occupied by another player, not only of 5
I would like to ask which player this is ?
I would like to point out that Moko has moved into his own homestead south of 5's this homestead was approved.
5 has stated they have both been collectively building there for a small town
Moko's homestead was approved by the gov and only came into existence after 5's
Any mention of a settlement during this approval?
I would ask that you clarify what you mean by a settlement ? Do you mean a homestead or are you differentiating from a homestead?
I can't remember what exactly that wording was, a small town
Settlement of homes
No permission has been granted for a small town, Moko has built a settlement south of 5's illegitimate homestead, if they plan to change 5's illegitimate homestead into a small town I would assume that this would require government approval
Due to the fact that the site was never approved for construction to begin with
They have to actually ask the Council to become a town
I would like to request that we move on to the topic of the dark oak tree farm and the summer house which have not yet been mentioned as unless the defendant has some new evidence I believe that it is obvious that his homestead is illegitimately built
So will the defendant therefore move to defend the dark oak farm and the summer house ?
I thought this trial was about the homestead
No it was about the southern islands (already talked about), the homestead (talked about), the dark oak farm to the west of the city and the summer house to the north east of the island, it was also about any undisclosed constructions and asks that if there are any 5 disclose them
Oh and it was also about the parkour cave and national park to the north of NYC
The parkour cave was approved
As also the park
Can we please have evidence of this or one of the government to confirm please
I approved a decorative park
Ok thank you, we can throw the park out then
Also the cave
It's public
If it is a public build does not matter, we are looking into whether 5 has been building with or
without permission
The parkour cave was well into reason This is getting ridiculous now
I would accept that the Cave is in reason and remove it from the case if the defendant was willing to patch any holes leading into the trench or outside the island>
And this blanket clause you've decided to throw in
Are we going to go through every build?
I agree, the parkour cave is an extension of the park and causes no loss of l>and to the Yoahtl Gov't as such will be included with the dismissed claims around the park.
Let's mention the massive arena and don't forget the rail station
We are going through every unauthorised build yes, due to the fact that 5 has been remindedabout the need to ask for permission to build but has ignored this and chosen to continue showing that he holds no regard for the law
Both builds for Yoahtl that have never been utilized
We are not talking only about utilization but of
the fact that it is law to ask for permission to build outside of the city and in
Ok. Stop.
The issue of whether they were used isn't being decided here
Only whether what he specifically built was legal
GDAN, can you and oddish actually sum up what it is you want to see change?
I would first and foremostly want to see five acknowledge that the he is not above the law and cannot continue expanding as he sees fit
I would like to see his summer house and small acacia farm - along with the wall some of which is unreinforced - removed, due to the fact they were not approved and a second home is not needed upon NYC island when one has a home as big as the citadel.
I would like to see the tree farm to the west remodelled so that it is completely public and designed with input from others - anything other than the tree farm within this area is not needed and should therefore be removed
His homestead to the east should be retroactively approved however i believe five should either have to pay a fine or commit to do some work for the public (such as mining out a certain amount from the vault) due to the fact that the homestead was built without permission and shows five's disregard for the law which all Yoahtlans must adhere to
I would also like to ask the government to put a size restriction or area restriction upon the homestead to stop it from becoming too large
If that suits council, I believe we can settle this, with some minor changes
What do you propose
Removal of summer home. The acacia farm becomes public Also the wall removed
I agree to this as long as the acacia farm is redesigned to make it more functional
Tree farm to the west becomes public
Agreed as long as it is redesigned, atm it is not as functional as it could be the minecart stations being below ground is not useful and the whole farm should be remade
That's fine
This does not address the homestead "GreenWood". What do you say about that.
I will vouch as any Yoahtlan that a farm is always useful Rather than destroyed I'm getting there
We are saying that the tree farms need to be redesigned to be more functional
That's fine
and accessable
Guys, let Klasik finish
The settlement will not expand anymore that's what is already built
Ok, I would like to have the homestead approved as long as it does not expand as you have stated, however as the past has shown 5 has a tendency to build more so I would like to request that a member of the council travels out to the homestead and that the council decide upon fixed boundaries for five's homestead I would also like to ask the council to set out a future punishment for five if he is found to be building unauthorised again
Ok, let me state the points as I understand them clearly.
Regarding the Summer home & West Tree farm constructed by 5point0 without permission -
Settlement is:
- The Summer Home will be removed by 5point0
- The attached tree farm becomes entirely public
Regarding the Eastern Acacia Farm & Wall constructed by 5point0 without permission - Settlement is:
- The wall is removed by 5point0
- The farm is to be redesigned by 5point0 to become "more functional" and "accessible" and made entirely public
On these counts do both parties agree to these terms?
The summer home is a part of the acacia farm and wall not the west tree farm The west tree farm also needs to be made more functional with the spaces for the minecart teleporters above ground and the oak trees removed, it should also be made more accessible, anything other than the tree farm should be removed from the area
I believe surrendering and demoing the summer home should be punishment enough as he's surrendered 2 farms
I believe a council coming to his homestead on a weekly basis is making him feel more as a prisoner rather an a active member of Yoahtl
we arent asking a weekly basis
A Ariel map shot should be sufficient
as for the eastern house that holds no farm as far as i remember
Any basis
I did not recommend on a weekly basis i recommended someone visit the homestead and set out a border - could be on a map up to the councils discretion - for five
And in good faith, Five has agreed and would like a book in writing to finalize everything agreed upon.
I can agree to a book, is five willing to give a statement admitting to the fact that he has ignored and shown disregard for the law multiple times as i suggested above ?
Getting that right now.
Ok, so we just need to agree on the rest of the terms
Ok, which terms first?
The judges will decide what occurs
The prosecution doesn't have jurisdiction over the land use
Since they aren't direct victims of anything
I was under the misconception that we were about to wrap this all up with a settlement.
If this pleases the council, the terms and conditions, then we can be on our way.
I'll send over the statement, and we can get the borders of the homestead legally placed and get a book with all this
Signed by both parties
The time for settlement has passed you've had time to talk it over. The bench will repsond soon with a verdict.
We have decided to not take away his house or homestead. He had permission (on some level) for both
Your idea of marking the boundaries of his homestead was good
I believe someone mentioned that
Which house are you speaking of?
house in the city
After a unanimous council decision in VC;
In the case of GDAN12 & Mightyoddish V. 5point0 (& Klasik as legal defense) April 11, 2018.
Regarding the West Tree farm constructed by 5point0 without permission - Verdict is:
- The oak/dark oak tree farm is to be removed by 5point0 and the land to be removed of all personal groups Regarding the Eastern Acacia Farm & Wall & Summer Home constructed by 5point0 without permission - Verdict is:
- The wall is to removed by 5point0
- The farm is to be removed by 5point0
- The summer home is to be removed by 5point0
- All the land in this area which was altered by 5point0 is to be returned to its natural state free of all personal groups
Regarding the Homestead of GreenWood constructed by 5point0 without permission - Verdict is:
1.The homestead will be retroactively recognized >as an official homestead of 5point0 contingent on the following:
A. The homestead is to be spatially defined and further building within the homestead will be confined to this area
B. 5point0 agrees that should he violate council decisions 5.1 and or 5.2 again he will accept responsibility for his actions and further unauthorized builds w>ill be removed