meat312 v. TheOrangeWizard, Jun 2018
With Wingzero54 presiding, on 8th June 2018, meat312 demanded 24 diamonds in restitution from TheOrangeWizard for armour damage caused by mob spawns. TheOrangeWizard was ordered to finish placing torches in the Undercity within 48 hours, and to pay 4 diamonds in restitution.
I'm suing TheOrangeWizard 24 diamonds for reparations to my armor due to the mobs continuing to spawn in the undercity. 24 because it has been 6 full days, and I have had 4 armor pieces damaged. I am also asking the court to please revisit the last trial.
But this time I will be asking for 40 diamonds due to it being 10 days since sentencing.
TheOrangeWizard, will you pay Meat the reps for his armor?
Read above in this chat if you want to review my response to that opinion.
You never made a comment in regards to meat wanting you to pay for his prot damage
depends, am I responsible for every instance of mob spawning in the undercity?
He is suing you for damage recieved between your removal of lamps and placement of torches following the original lawsuit. Your culpability in regards to all mob spawning is not on trial here
I was given 2(?) weeks to place torches, I don't see why I should be punished for following my sentence.
No time frame was given by the court to place torches
May 28th is when Bg gave the final decision from your appeal. When did you torch the undercity, Orange?
June 3rd is when Meat's original suit for you to pay armor reps was placed
I forget exactly
He did not torch the undercity.
there dark places everywhere. If he did torch it, it was such low quality that it may as well have not been.
TheOrangeWizard, go through the undercity and finish placing torches in all the dark areas in the next 48 hours.
I will check it out Sunday [10th June] to verify the work has been done.
And pay meat312 4d for damages from mob spawning. I find that a more fair amount
Let's try to get this resolved, gentlemen, so we don't have to see you two in here again