Klasikrok v. TheOrangeWizard, Dec 2017
Judge: WackyAki
Date: 12th December 2017
Illegitimate dereliction usage
Not guilty by reason of orders from the Deputy Alcuahtl
Orange declares that the public misuse of a farm justifies dereliction.
Klasik declares this is unfair.
Modshot claims he was given the task of handling internal affairs and so delegated it to TheOrangeWizard
Feathercrown shouts from the gallery that that's not fair application of the law.
bgbba weighs in and says that's not necessarily fair application of the law.
klasik says it's the government's fault for failing to adequately enforced replanting rules.
bgbba claims the dereliction was illegitimate.
Dereliction reversed. Farm snitched. Penalties upped for not replanting farms.