GDAN v. Miller, May 2021
With Aki presiding, on 10th May 2021, GDAN charged Miller with Raiding.
I would like to sue Miller for raiding me
The courts will hear GDAN vs Miller on the charge of Raiding
Aki will be presiding
Thank you High Justice. The court will now come to order.
GDAN, As the prosecution, I call on you to make an opening statement
I returned from a long hiatus to find some of my chests broken into located at my homestead SW of NYC. I checked my snitch logs and it showed the only person to have broken any chest was Millers.
Miller, How do you plead to the charge of Raiding
I plead Not Guilty
The court recognizes the not guilty plea. Miller the court calls on you to present an opening statement
I know what it looks like but it wasn't me
It was my evil clone.
you honor I would like to change my plea, I know what I have done is wrong and would like this dealt with smoothly. I plea guilty
I would also like to point out to the court that the scene of the crime was not marked with any indicators such as sign sating who's it was nor was it claimed. To a player that was about two days old to the sever im sure you can see how this can be confusing.
The second thing i would like to note is that there was already chests half broken and blocks that helped me get into the area. As a new player i though this meant it was fair game seeing as someone else already tried to raid it.
I see, the court has observed the plea change.
GDAN, How much was stolen from the chests?
Aki, I believe some compacted obsidian, some enchanted/unenchanted tools and some E blocks were stolen but am unsure since it happened during a period of time during which I was not active.
I would also like to rebute Miller's claim that the area was unclaimed, it was not. It is clearly indicated as claimed by Yoahtl on the map
I cant confirm i have the tools but am unaware of the compacted obsidian and E blocks nor do i know what they are
GDAN, following discussion with Miller, he states that he found the area in significant disrepair, with looting having already taken place. For this reason, and the reason I saw when he accidentally died in the trench, I do believe the tools were looted, but the obsidian and the emeralds were not raided in the same way.
Ok, essentially, Miller declared guilty to the charge. I will say that he has said multiple times that he didn't see any Eblocks or obby, and given that he was inquiring about their value to me later in the conversation a few days ago casts doubt he would have taken them. So, Miller is declared guilty of theft of Gdans tools and griefing. Miller is to be pearled for one week and all tools returned.
GDAN, Given the current situation, later this week one of the yoahtlan government people will collect your tools and bring it to you.