Crustifer v. SpicyBoy, Oct 2017
Judge: TheOrangeWizard
Date: 14th October 2017
- SpicyBoy with the theft of a 'large' amount of diamond blocks and other valuables, via stealing a deathpile and breaking an un-matured diamond reinforced chest.
SpicyBoy pleads not guilty on reason of total denial of culpability, saying that he didn't steal anything and that the items must have despawned.
SpicyBoy alleges complete innocence
Crustifer denies this as a possibility
SpicyBoy repeats his denial
Crustifer says that he had 'just' reinforced the chest before dying and that after he came to retrieve his deathpile the chest was broken. This interval would leave enough time for spicy to have broken the chest and stolen the materials.
SpicyBoy tells Crustifer to 'fuck off kid' and that 'i bet he doesnt even know what he lost'
Crustifer then claims that 'i know what i lost of value'
SpicyBoy is arrested via pearling and his house searched, discovering the stolen items
Crustifer's items are returned and SpicyBoy is unpearled. Any further thieving by SpicyBoy will be met with one week of end time.