ACCoker v. Swordproof (and Xan), Mar 2023
With ArkenX presiding, on 3rd March 2023, ACCoker charged Swordproof and Xan with Trespass and Theft. Both SwordProof and Xan were found guilty of Trespass, but only SwordProof was found guilty of Theft. SwordProof was sentanced to 2 weeks pearled while Xan was sentenced to 1 week pearled. ArkenX also asked NeoTide to exile SwordProof permanently and to exile X_an for a period of ninety (90) days.
Quauhtli and Mia:
@Government I'd like to launch a trial and internal investigation into Xan and Sword's Proofs theft and pearling.
To ascertain the motives behind the theft, why it happened and find sentences for proof or Xan.
@Quauhtli and Mia who are you suing?
Quauhtli and Mia:
Ok for theft?
Quauhtli and Mia:
I'd like to make the case that he had knowingly attempted to steal from Accoker and leave Yoahtl with these belongings, but also that Xan; while having knowledge of this, was leashed to the event by the fact SwordProof is infacct his irl friend.
Aight I'll get it opened in a few hours
Quauhtli and Mia:
So I'd like to also make the case for a settlement for X_an on the grounds of a Misprision for a misdemeanor/theft.
Can we reinvite Xan and Sword and get this trial going?
Things are moving, getting judge ready....
Quauhtli and Mia:
The court will hear the case of @Quauhtli and Mia on behalf of @ACCoker VS @swordproof and @xan for Trespass and Theft. @ArkenX will be presiding.
All parties please familiarize or refresh yourselves on the court procedure. Everyone involved please look over this to familiarize yourself with the procedure of the court.
Also note any extraneous comments in this channel not related to the trial or anyone not called by the courts to present testimony will be deleted from this point until the end of trial. Please hold any other cases till the end as well. I SHOULDNT HAVE TO PUT THIS BUT ANYONE PARTICPATING IN THE TRIAL PLEASE WAIT TO SPEAK UNTIL CALLED UPON BY YOUR JUDGE AND LET THEM KNOW WHEN YOU HAVE FINISHED YOUR STATEMENTS.
@NeoTide can you reinvite those two with the trial role please
in the middle of war shit
Quauhtli and Mia:
I need to sleep ive been up all night and day
i will come bacc
Let's postpone 24 hours.
oh i didn't know trial being done
i should get swordproof here
i think the trials should be seperate tbh
@X_an We can reinvite sword, I believe he left the discord.
i should also be sleeping cuz its 11:37 PM and i'm sick so i gotta get healthy
So the trial part doesn't need to be done live
can i get perms to send images
I'm not sure. I'll be presiding so you can send images directly to me once the trial starts in earnest.
The trial will likely take a few days, if you want to pass this on to sword as well.
k <:yoahtlchad:643349385228320778>
@X_an @Quauhtli and Mia Tomorrow morning (EST) I will begin the trial, if you want to prepare an opening statement and prepare evidence, please do so.
Please do not send anything trial related here until the trial start.
Did they kill Francis?!
I need to set snitches
ok im here
can we start
Due to the asynchronous schedules and timezones for everyone, I think it's best to go ahead and start.
@Quauhtli and Mia whenever you are ready please make your opening statement.
@X_an please make your opening statement and enter a plea based on the charges filed.
@SwordProof please make your opening statement and enter a plea based on the charges filed.
do i get a lawyer
better call Saul buddy
also i dont know the charges I wasnt tagged in them
The court will hear the case of @Quauhtli and Mia on behalf of @ACCoker VS @swordproof and @xan for Trespass and Theft. @ArkenX will be presiding.
All parties please familiarize or refresh yourselves on the court procedure. Everyone involved please look over this to familiarize yourself with the procedure of the court.
Also note any extraneous comments in this channel not related to the trial or anyone not called by the courts to present testimony will be deleted from this point until the end of trial. Please hold any other cases till the end as well. I SHOULDNT HAVE TO PUT THIS BUT ANYONE PARTICPATING IN THE TRIAL PLEASE WAIT TO SPEAK UNTIL CALLED UPON BY YOUR JUDGE AND LET THEM KNOW WHEN YOU HAVE FINISHED YOUR STATEMENTS.
But do I get a lawyer
Lawyers aren't a requirement and aren't provides. As much as I'm sure they intended to mimic western justice systems, it's still a minecart server. If you have someone in mind and they're already available and ready to go, sure.
like the wild west?
In a sense, a more local application of the law.
Good morning, my name is SwordProof, and it is my pleasure to represent me on this very important case.I stand here falsely accused of theft, a very serious crime. I probably showed up on the snitches but i was breaking chests in xans apartment. He thinks its funny to take me off of our claims for no reason. At the conclusion of the case we will ask for a verdict of not guilty.
my mincraft is broken
i dont know hopw to fix it
I'ma joink ya statement
copied my statement kid
Quauhtli and Mia:
I am here sorry aha
Hola compadres, I am Quauhtli; approximately 99% comprised of just six elements: Oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, calcium, and phosphorus. 0.85% being sulfur, potassium, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium.
ok buddy
you took it to far with the elements
i am deeply hurt
Quauhtli and Mia:
I have come about to launch this trial in an effort to prove SwordProof has knowingly and maliciously committed theft. But also that X_an; while being complicit, has not done anything to aid or abet Sword in his crimes if not except those to defend his friend, and while I wish I could say someone should totally ditch their friend for minecraft; I cant, even if that friend seems like a Bonehead.
what if i am one
Quauhtli and Mia:
It is my hypothesis that SwordProof had indeed stolen items with the intent of keeping said items to himself, but just as much that X_an truly did not want this to happen. Having been Behooved to act on the actions of a far more.. rowdy personality.
no proof
Quauhtli and Mia:
It is my hope that this trial and investigation will ascertain the motives behind the events that transpired, and get at the root of the truth of what has happened.
In which we as a community, and indeed even defendants may leave this trial with some closure.
ok im guilty
🟥 🖐️
Quauhtli and Mia:
You're not getting off that easy buddy
ok im not guilty?
like what else do you want me to say <:slightlyconcerned:900248083105992774>
Quauhtli and Mia:
We go about this trial, see the events as what they've happened, why you did what you did, why xan did what he did, and why We did what we did.
Quauhtli and Mia:
So we're all caught up, and we know whats what.
ok so first
im guilty
im guilty
and lastly
im guilty
and xan isnt
what do you want to know buddy
Quauhtli and Mia:
I'm going to prove that, but not without showing every detail, with testimonies, juke/snitch proof, and actions.
Thats what the trial is for, just wait for arken lol
ok whatever floats your boat but im guilty nothing to prove
Quauhtli and Mia:
@Quauhtli and Mia please present any evidence or call any witnesses to support your claims
evidence b uddy
and please limit cross talk for the moment please, everyone will have ample time to respond
yes sir sorry sir
can i say one more thing rtough?
xan is a baddie 😉
Quauhtli and Mia:
I'd like to call Xan: to present his bearing on what has happened... his _HONEST and TRUTHFUL standing on what has transpired.
he stole
that is my comment
helped with what?
on 03/24/2023 he stole from accoker in the morning
i logged on and he was breaking out the walls of accoker's apartment
i'ma just write a paragraph
On 03/24/2023 he stole from accoker in the morning, I logged on and he was breaking out the walls of accoker's apartment with a netherite sword and a bow, I asked them where they got it and they said they found it in a barrel along some railway (Which i knew he was joking and just lying so that he wouldn't have to tell me the truth), so thats my report of his theft.
my turn now?
his chests were also filled with pots
Qua is calling evidence, witnesses.
Then you and X_an will have a chance to refute and present your own
@Quauhtli and Mia
Quauhtli and Mia:
How did you know he was lying?
reasonable suspicion, because i saw him break out of accoker's apartment a second ago
there are snitch loggers are't there, can't we get someone to check that
thats how SwordProof got caught in the first place
Quauhtli and Mia:
You two are friends, so you two are usually together most of the time, yes?
no not really
only when i stole
Alright so.
We're gonna try to do this in an organized fashion somewhat.
We're all gonna have a chance to talk.
Qua asked X_an, so let's jump back to that
then we can go from there
When he is online in the server we are usually together but he goes away once in a while
Quauhtli and Mia:
But you can corroborate that you were basically there when the theft itself took place?
Not in the building
Not online when it started
but logged on, and went to the apartment building
when i saw him breaking out and replacing the wall
so no i wasn't there
Quauhtli and Mia:
I see, has he ever told you where he got those items from?
He didn't tell me truthfully
I had to find out when ACcoker announced that he has been robbed
Quauhtli and Mia:
Did Sword show you the items he supposedly found"
He showed it to me in his hands
is there a jury?
There's me
and me because i cant talk
@Quauhtli and Mia do you have any more questions
Quauhtli and Mia:
I do infact.
What did sword tell you he was doing? like what exactly did he say?
At which time? When he showed me the items?
Quauhtli and Mia:
Yes, Just before, and shortly after
This was 3 days ago so my memory on his words aren't so clear.
I remember that he said, "You can't bully me anymore" when he showed me his items(Which happened on the street of my plot, west of my plot)
But I don't recall what he said before
After he showed his items i believe we went to the mines and i showed him my progress
Quauhtli and Mia:
And the thing he showed you was a netherite sword, yes?
Yes and a bow
Quauhtli and Mia:
Right well, I believe someone was willing to infact give me the proof of the actual breaking, and mind you our city is VERY tight; almost no theft ever happens, if at all. No break ins like this.
A rienforced chest break at the area acc dwelt
complete with time of breaking
With that i'd like to end my questions and allow the defendents to speak
I do want to point out that his chests are at the opposite end of the wall where we also have chests
Quauhtli and Mia:
@ArkenX Am done, who nexx
@X_an @Quauhtli and Mia
I would like to speak on behalf of government here. This was a break on EngineeringBeans plot
Idk whos plot that is
Good morning, my name is Xa_n Sus McGill III , and it is my pleasure to represent so and so on this very important case. The defendant, @X_an stands here falsely accused and pearled for theft, a very serious crime. At the conclusion of the case we will ask for a verdict of not guilty.
idk where it is i mena
isn't that our apartment building
It's directly north of the apartment complex
i don't remember there being a plot
which apartment complex the sandstone one?
@SwordProof @X_an
As X_an was called as a witness, Sword can now cross examine if he wants. Xan will also be able to present evidence based on his own testimony if he wants after Sword
The flat terracotta build that's incomplete
one second i have to do the dishes
Quauhtli and Mia:
Actually the break was in engineering beans apartment in jactars complex I believe
Unless I'm mistakrn
I can verify before the end of trial
Just a reminder, please don't ping trial participants during the trial unless it's me or you are directly asking a question or presenting evidence.
Even if there is a lull in response, I'll make sure the schedule is adhered to.
if anyone ever unpearls me just dm me before you do cuz i got valuables on my player so i just wanna store that before i go
Quauhtli and Mia:
waiting on sword rn
I'm speedrunning the nether
ok im here
i already said atleast 46 times
im guilty
I'll take that as @SwordProof resting.
Anything further from @X_an or @Quauhtli and Mia ?
im guilty
I would like to clarify that only sword proof was on snitches breaking chests, which includes engineering bean's chests, because those were within the jukebox's range. Xan appeared in the area but didn't break anything. The court can draw whatever conclusions they want from that, but those are the facts
the court decides i am forgiven
xan offered to take my sentence
not me
@Quauhtli and Mia @SwordProof @X_an Trial is concluded.
Findings are as follows:
SwordProof Theft: Guilty Trespass: Guilty
Sentenced to two (2) weeks pearled, starting on 3/24 and ending 4/7.
X_an Theft: Not Guilty Trespass: Guilty
Sentenced to one (1) week pearled, starting on 3/24 and ending 3/31
There is not collected evidence or testimony that points to X_an breaking or stealing, but it does show him as being aware of Swords' action and as such shares some responsibility.
Personal property will be subject to a reps period of two (2) weeks. Following release and if no outstanding reps are owed, personal property will be compacted where appropriate and dropchested for pickup. The only exception for this is the bound Prot for both players, which will be given back on the contingency that no further incidents have occurred. This will be on an additional two (2) week period following the reps period.
Additionally, I am requesting @NeoTide to exile SwordProof permanently and to exile X_an for a period of ninety (90) days.
Trial permissions for both defendants will be removed in 24 hours or when both players acknowledge this.